Friday 4 October 2013

Extended Photoshop Samples

This post will show how my initial samples have been changed through Photoshop and how different it can make the samples look.
one/ reflected the same image x4 
&a sample of brusho
I wanted to show how layers can build up to create completely different looks, as you can see below I have used both the images above on all three of the samples below, but they all look different due to the effects used:
I also layered a sample of marbling.
Adding this image to the reflected one and changing the layers to add darker colour and pin light makes this image have a pastel colour them which I really like, I think it looks very cosmic like.
Although this image is very similar to the one above, I altered the saturation of the marbled layer making the background of this texture grey with the bold colours standing out. Although I like this effect, I wouldn't use it for my fabric as I think the grey would not look as good on the fabric.
This is the same image just with altered hue/saturation making the colours very vibrant and adding new tones to the image. I like how this image looks with all the layers and think I will continue to build upon this image.
Marbling is a sample I really liked and think it looks even more amazing when on photoshop, to achieve this look I changed the colour curves to lighten the sample where I wanted, then changed the hue and saturation drastically until it was almost neon.
Here I have shown how I built up my layer to achieve the final image, I began by opening the sample image, adding a plastic film layer effect to it.
Next I changed the hue and saturation of the new image to leave bold and statement colours.
The third image is of a marbling which I changed the colours again to be much bolder and move vivid.
Then layering both of these images and changed the opacity has created the last image shown, I also added the pin light effect to keep the colours vibrant
Using the same sample images I have created a totally different sample which is my favourite so far, my blending the two images above I could create this new sample, I'm going to continue building upon this so adding up the layers giving me plenty of textures. I think it looks as if it is under the microscope already but by adding even more layers it will create this even further.

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